CodePen News: Editor Dropdowns, July Meetups, New PRO Perks, and more!

CodePen News

Editor Dropdowns

We moved all the editor-specific functionality into one place:

You may not have known about the Analyze feature at all, since it was fairly buried before.

July is brimming with CodePen Meetups

Perhaps that’s because we’ve created this page to explain how hosting a meetup works! Or, maybe it’s because we have a meetup sponsor now who can help fund (💰) your meetup, if needed ;).

Check out how awesome they can be. 👯

A Tiny Selection of Things We Love Recently

Curves by Georgi Nikoloff
Beautiful Ampersands from Google Fonts by Naoya
Petey by Adam Kuhn. Also we were loving pretty hard on Pookie the Pug by Marcos Mellado around the CodePen offices.
I DESIGN WITH CODE by Chris Gannon. Us too, Chris, just not as well.

Text input with relevant emoji sorted with deeplearning by Johan Haneveld

Jake created an arpeggiator which allows you to create interesting chord progressions very quickly. It’s extremely satisfying to play with. Jake presented at the most recent CodePen Meetup Chicago where we saw an absolutely incredible rendition of "In C" on trombone by Bryant Smith. Jake then went on to create his own rendition.

Rachel really went all out for July 4th.

The Job Board

Anybody in London? As I was typing this Lighthouse in London posted a job looking for a Front-end Developer. There are a bunch more jobs on there too, including jobs at places like Media Temple and Shopify.

New PRO Perks

When you’re PRO on CodePen, you get access to a bunch of features. We say you’re "unlocking the full power of CodePen" because that sounds cool and is true. But besides features, we also give you some perks, and we’ve just added some brand new ones:

  • CrossBrowserTesting is offering 20% any plan for as long as you have it
  • Adobe is offering 67% off (!) Creative Cloud for Students and Teachers
  • NordVPN is offering 30% off their plans

Did you know we have Teams?

We have Teams.

Until next time,