ShareThis March Newsletter: Spring Sharing Solutions

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MARCH 2012
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WE’RE MOBILE! Did you know that as a ShareThis Publisher using the ShareThis widget, that your website automatically includes mobile sharing tools? Read on…Back in December, we updated the latest version of the ShareThis widget to provide mobile sharing capabilities. This month we added the same capability to older versions of our widget. Whether your website is mobile-aware or not, the ShareThis widget user interface automatically adapts to the screen size of the user’s mobile device and enables easy sharing using touch inputs on iOS and Android or Blackberry scrollers.

What does this mean for publishers? You do not need to worry if you have a particular version of the ShareThis widget, or if you have the right code for your mobile website. All websites that use the ShareThis widget, mobile-aware or not, provide a sharing experience designed for mobile use. Also, all social activity, independent of the user environment, is tracked and aggregated into your sharing reports in your analytics dashboard.

More information here.



‘Domain Access Manager’ allows publishers to share access to their analytics with other ShareThis users.

This addresses two of the user requests that we have received the most over the last few months.

1. A domain is being managed or monitored by multiple users (eg: different employees within a company).

Solution: Just login to your account and click on Domain Access Manager on the right hand side navigation. Add the email address (either of an existing ShareThis user or someone you would like to invite) and you are done. If they are an existing user, they will have access to the domain analytics when they log in. And if they are not currently a ShareThis user, they will receive an email asking them to register with ShareThis to allow them to get access to your domain.

2. A user is managing multiple domains (eg: a company might own many domains).

Solution: Just ask the domain owner (who registered the domain with us) to grant permissions (as described above) to one of your accounts for each of those domains. Next time you log in, you will see links to view the analytics dashboard for all those domains. You can also toggle between different domains in the analytics dashboard for quicker navigation.

Let us know what you think. Send feedback to feedback.


Earlier this month, we announced some interesting findings about social quality from a review we did of the ShareThis Publisher Network. We used our new Social Quality Index, or SQI, to measure social engagement for our network. The rankings reveal the benefits of rich content and audience engagement over sheer scale.

Our CEO tells it like this: “In essence, the SQI levels the playing field for publishers. Just because a site is small in terms of its reach doesn’t mean it doesn’t stack up when it comes to social activity. In fact, some of our smallest publisher partners have the most loyal, and social, audiences. It’s about time that captivating publishers, large or small, reaped the rewards of the social audiences they inspire to share every day.”

You might be surprised to see some of the sites who rank high on our list of the Web’s most social publishers. The following lists include publishers that scored at the top of ShareThis’ Social Quality Index:




Coming soon for all publishers! For more information, visit our website, or check out our blog post here.

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We’re proud to have Fishhound as a member of the ShareThis publisher family. Visit

CONTACT USWant to talk to a member of our publisher services team directly? Please email us at support
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